Fantastic Achievements all around

Have you ever experienced that something you have decided with full determination, and the things starts happening in the same required direction? The decision you make is leading you towards your goals. Its like some unseen powers hold your hands and gudie you, lead you, and show you the right path. With this journey you unwrap many more  blessings, experience , and lessons alhamdulillah. You explore significant spiritual and even worldly horizons.

I was determined to do fasting and finishing At least one Quran in these 10 days of Dhilhajah.
Fasting was going well , but couldn't find myself reciting Quran instead busy with watching reels in free time. After spending hours on social  media and risking my sleep, I was reciting one Juz or half, with half opened eyes , yawning , and counting pages to see how many pages are left to complete juz... 🙈

Eventually Goals dropped down. I had started quran from juz 23  and thought, its alright if you just finish these 8 juzz and gave a standing aviation to myself in my imagination.😂 

More over I watered my inner satisfaction by the logic of, completing quran is not mandatory.
At the same time I would like to thanks my regrets and guilts which continuously had been scolding me that  good deeds of ordinary people are considered Sayyi_aaat of muqarabeen( bad deeds of higly ranked people  ,who are closer to Allah ).
Therefore we must try hard to boost our Emaan because stagnant Emaan does not exist, either it increases or decreases. 
So I deleted all social media applications except WhatsApp.

To my surprise I was reciting juz after juz MashaaAllah, without any distractions. 
I became more productive and started Spending more quality time with my family.
I was amazed just one thing fixed many thing. Only  you have to decide purely for the sake of Allah, and you will witness His help definitely..... 
Quran is amazing its not just tell you only do's and don'ts, It motivate you, guide you, heal you, satisfy you... 
I remember the Hadith that Prophet Muhammad (صلي الله عليه وسلم) has said that Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) said in a hadith qudsi, “If you come to Me walking, I will come to you running.”
We have to take step towards His obedience and Purley for the sake of His Love...
We forget , we trapped down, but we can come back under His protection. 
May Allah keep us in the right direction. Ameen 


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